Smartphone Photography: Snapseed Advanced


Overview of the elements of a successful photo and a live class activity learning to edit photos of textured objects/ surfaces using the Snapseed app on your Smartphone.

Your Mission & Vision Statement Discussion Session


An opportunity to receive constructive criticism on your Mission & Vision Statement and work toward better expressing your goals in a way that engages your target audience.

How to Make Zoom More Engaging


Learn different techniques, activities, and approaches to make the Zoom experience with your students/ audience more interactive, participatory, and engaging.

Financial Wellness Webinar: Managing Debt


This webinar will empower you with information to begin a process of financial recovery by teaching you about the different kinds of debt and strategies to reduce and manage them.

How to Use Zoom Cinematically


Learn how to use Zoom cinematically to create a movie or collaborative video production remotely, without physical access to your colleagues/ friends.