Artists Supported Through ARP Programs & Resources
Free Classes & Workshops Provided for Artists & Creatives

Donate to Support this Initiative

ARP is an initiative of Artly World, a registered 501c3 nonprofit.
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

What Are We Striving to Do?

The Artist Relief Project strives to reinvigorate the artist community by providing programs and resources to support their continued pursuit of a successful career in the arts. We want to empower artists, musicians, performers, and creatives to keep dreaming, to keep creating, and to keep following their hearts.

When events and venues around the world were shuttered for months due to the COVID crisis, the artist community suffered devastating financial losses and a seemingly never-ending state of uncertainty about the future of their livelihood. They are still coping with the professional and economic consequences of these challenging times.

If we’ve learned anything in the face of all this uncertainty, it’s that we need artists and the arts to remind us of what it means to be human, to remind us of what makes life worth living. Join us in our mission to give back to those who contribute so much to the joy, vibrancy, and quality of our lives and culture.

Who is Eligible for Support?

Any individual practicing artist (any discipline, any level of experience) may request support.

The only requirements are (1) you must be able to demonstrate that you are an artist actively working and committed to pursing the arts as a career and (2) you are currently facing professional challenges related to these endeavors.

To take advantage of ARP programs, resources, and opportunities, you must be an ARP member (membership is free and open to practicing artists in any discipline). Request membership via the ARP Membership Request form on the Programs page.

The form asks some basic questions about the professional challenges you’re currently facing and for some basic documentation, such as a resume and/ or website to demonstrate your status as a working artist, musician, or performer.

ARP Programs Impact as of December 2022

Who is Artly World? Who Can I Contact?

COVID19 Crisis Relief project for impacted artists by Artly World Nonprofit

Artly World is a registered 501c3 nonprofit with the mission to empower communities through creative arts opportunities and initiatives. We support artists, musicians, and performers by providing professional development programs and beneficial opportunities for them to share their craft with a broader audience. We help make the arts accessible to all by providing arts and music programming free of charge in underserved communities.

When Artly World realized the devastating impact that COVID-related cancellations and closures were having on the arts community, we organized Artist Relief Project as an initiative to support artists who continue to be professionally and financially impacted by the crisis. Learn more about our work at

You can reach out to us at with questions or concerns.