Supporting Artists, Musicians, Performers,
and Creatives

The Need

Artist Relief Project to Help Artists impacted by COVID19 crisis

ARP began as Artist Relief Project in March 2020 to support artists and creatives facing new professional challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis. As events and venues shuttered across the world, people working in the arts economy suddenly lost access to their main source of income with no end in sight.

Most artists, musicians, and performers were not financially prepared for these closures nor professionally prepared for the drastic shift to online. As they suffered devastating financial losses from cancellations and unpaid work, they also faced new questions and challenges related to the sustainability of a livelihood dependent on live events and face-to-face interactions.

More than two years later, they’re still navigating the professional and economic repercussions from these unanticipated challenges and events. ARP remains steadfast in its mission to provide free programs and support to artists, musicians, performers, and creatives and empower them with resources needed to continue their pursuit of a successful career in the arts.

How This Project Has Helped

Short-Term Relief

Emergency Cash Relief

One-time, emergency cash relief grants, distributed directly to artists facing financial hardships

Long-Term Assistance

Programs & Resources

Free programs and resources to empower artists with skills and knowledge to continue pursuing the arts as a professional endeavor

Any adult individual actively pursuing the arts as a career (any discipline, any level of experience) is eligible to request access to free resources and support from ARP. The only requirements are (1) you must be able to demonstrate you are an artist actively working and committed to pursing the arts as a career and (2) you must describe the professional and economic challenges you are currently facing.

Who is behind this Project?

ARTLY WORLD Nonprofit Logo

Artly World is a registered 501c3 nonprofit with the mission to empower communities through creative arts opportunities and initiatives. We support artists, musicians, and performers by providing professional development programs and beneficial opportunities for them to share their craft with a broader audience. We help make the arts accessible to all by providing arts and music programming free of charge in underserved communities.

Learn more about our programs and initiatives at

You can reach out to us at [email protected] with questions or concerns.